Loyola University / Communication Internships

Broadcast/sports announcing/Ripken Baseball Tournament

You are receiving this email because we have a job opportunity here at Ripken Baseball that may be in some interest of your students. For the 2011 Ripken Baseball Tournament schedule we are offering a new job opportunity at our Baseball Academy in Aberdeen, MD. The Ripken Academy will be announcing all of the youth tournament games at our complex. We are searching for quality individuals to serve as PA announcers for the spring, summer, and fall tournaments. We are looking for individuals who have some experience in a similar capacity (college radio, other sports PA experience, etc.). Our season begins in March and ends in early October.

Students can also apply by going to www.ripkenbaseball.com and clicking on the Career Opportunities box on the right side of the page.

Thanks and feel free to give out my contact information if there are any questions about this job.

Ryan Heller
Operations Coordinator
The Ripken Academy
P: 443-327-8043
F: 410-297-6653